Essential Parts of a Great Nonprofit Website


I’m Kelly, your go-to nonprofit marketing nerd, dedicated to helping you amplify your mission through effective marketing strategies. Let’s into a topic that’s close to my heart: creating a powerful and action-inspiring nonprofit website. Whether you're using Squarespace for nonprofits or another platform, these tips will ensure your website stands out and drives engagement.


Why Website Design for Nonprofits Matters

Your website is often the first point of contact potential donors, volunteers, and members have with your organization. A well-designed website can make a significant difference in how your nonprofit is perceived and how effectively you can inspire action. So, your website needs to be more than a virtual version of a trifold brochure summary of your organization. It needs to build connection, draw people in, and have a clear call-to-action!

Here are the key components of any nonprofit website:

1. Clear and Bold Mission Statement

Make your mission impossible to miss! The cornerstone of your website design for nonprofits is a clear, bold mission statement. If visitors can’t immediately understand what your nonprofit is about upon landing on your homepage, you’ve already lost them. Your mission should be the focal point, loud and proud, bold and impactful. Avoid burying your mission statement in subtext or on an obscure page.

Case Study: Simplifying for Success

One of our clients saw a 20% increase in engagement simply by making their mission statement the anchor content on their homepage. They went from a cluttered, confusing homepage to one that clearly communicated their mission, resulting in more visitors exploring their site further.

2. Compelling Visuals

Focus on authenticity over perfection! Ditch the stock photography. Authenticity is key, so showcase real photos of your organization. People connect with genuine images, not staged stock photos. Plan a photo shoot to capture your organization’s essence. A half-day session can yield thousands of photos, giving you a rich library of authentic images to use on your website and beyond. If budget allows, hire a professional photographer to ensure high-quality images that truly represent your organization. These photos will become invaluable assets for your marketing efforts.

3. Streamlined Donation Process

Make Donating Easy

A common pitfall in nonprofit websites is a convoluted donation process. If it takes more than a minute and a half for a donor to go from landing on your homepage to completing a donation, you’re likely losing potential donors. Aim for a donation process that takes no more than three clicks.

Case Study: Simplifying the Donation Process

One client had a bulky donation page filled with excessive information, resulting in very few online donations. We revamped their donation page using Donorbox, creating easy-to-use, customizable donation forms embedded directly on their website. The result? A seamless donation process that significantly boosted donations. And an exponential increase in online donations!


4.Impact Stories

Numbers and goals are important, but impact stories are what truly resonate with people. Your stories should be so compelling that they give readers goosebumps. Focus on the real-life impact of your work to inspire action and connection. Make it a habit to collect stories from those you serve. Regularly update your website with fresh, impactful stories to keep your audience engaged and inspired.

5. Strong, Simple Call to Action

Your call to action (CTA) should be unmistakable. Whether you want visitors to donate, learn more, or join your organization, make sure your CTA is prominent and clear.

Case Study: Boosting Donations with Strategic Placement

A nonprofit we worked with had buried their donation button in the footer of their website. By moving the donate button to the top third of the homepage with a direct call to action, they saw a 30% increase in online donations. Sometimes, a simple change can make a big difference.

6. Responsive Design

Mobile Compatibility is Non-Negotiable! In 2024, having a mobile-compatible website is essential. Ensure your website looks good and functions well on all devices. A non-responsive design can make your nonprofit appear unprofessional and frustrate potential supporters. Platforms like Squarespace for nonprofits offer responsive templates that automatically adjust to different screen sizes. This ensures a seamless user experience across all devices.

7. Easy Navigation

Your website should be easy to navigate. A complex, cluttered design can overwhelm visitors and deter them from taking action. Aim for a clean, intuitive layout that guides users effortlessly. Regularly test your website’s navigation with real users to identify any pain points and make necessary adjustments. User feedback is invaluable in creating a user-friendly website.

8. SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing your nonprofit’s online visibility. Ensure your website is optimized for relevant keywords to help potential supporters find you easily. Regularly publish blog posts and other content that is optimized for SEO. Focus on topics that interest your target audience and incorporate keywords naturally. This strategy not only boosts your search rankings but also establishes your nonprofit as a thought leader in your field.

Additional Nonprofit Marketing Tips

  • Utilize Social Media: Social media is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website and engaging with your audience. Share your impact stories, mission, and events on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Make sure to include links to your website to drive traffic and encourage donations.

  • Email Marketing: Build an email list and regularly send newsletters to keep your supporters informed and engaged. Highlight upcoming events, recent successes, and ways to get involved. Personalized emails can significantly boost engagement and donations.

  • Leverage Video Content: Video content is highly engaging and can effectively communicate your mission and impact. Create short videos showcasing your work, testimonials from those you serve, and updates on your projects. Embed these videos on your website and share them on social media to maximize reach.

  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers who are passionate about your cause. Their endorsement can introduce your nonprofit to a wider audience and lend credibility to your mission. Make sure to feature these collaborations on your website and social media channels.

A well-designed nonprofit website is a powerful tool for inspiring action and driving engagement. By incorporating these essential components – a clear mission statement, compelling visuals, streamlined donation process, impactful stories, strong call to action, responsive design, easy navigation, and SEO optimization – you can create a website that not only looks great but also effectively supports your mission.

Remember, your website is often the first impression potential supporters have of your organization. Make it count by ensuring it’s professional, user-friendly, and action-inspiring. Whether you’re using Squarespace for nonprofits or another platform, these nonprofit marketing tips will help you create a website that amplifies your mission and drives real results.


Effective Social Media Strategies for Nonprofits