Effective Social Media Strategies for Nonprofits


Nonprofits, stop using those super boring, generic, hyper-branded, and overly professional Canva graphics! I'll tell you exactly what you should be doing instead to elevate your marketing and storytelling online, especially through your organization’s social media marketing!

At Nonprofit Marketing Nerd we see nonprofits coming to us all the time after spinning their wheels with marketing that doesn’t help them reach their goals! That’s why I'm here to teach you how to level up your marketing and storytelling online as a nonprofit.


Why Boring Canva Graphics Aren't Effective

As someone deeply passionate about helping nonprofits elevate their marketing and storytelling, it breaks my heart to see missed opportunities and misallocated resources for organizations. Nonprofits often create these overly boring Canva graphics that fail to engage their audience.

In the last month, I've had three executive directors proudly show me their social media, only for me to discover their content wasn't resonating at all. So, I’m writing this post to help you!

Case Study: The Power of Authenticity

One organization I am aware of (not our client) had over 10,000 followers, but each Facebook post received only a handful of likes. Their overly branded, super perfect, and very professional-looking social media had failed to gain traction for months.

They came to me for a Free social media audit, and I immediately saw that their perfection was hurting them.

However, one post stood out: a selfie of the executive director laughing and sharing a behind-the-scenes story. This post received 27 likes, significantly higher than their other posts, and engaged their major donors. This authentic, raw content took only five minutes to create but resonated deeply with their audience. It showed the executive director's personality and established trust. This example highlights the importance of authenticity in marketing for nonprofits.

Why Authentic Content Works for Nonprofits

When it comes to social media for nonprofits, the goal is to reach your target audience and inspire action. This specific organization failed to inspire their audience with boring Canva graphics. The authentic selfie post succeeded because it was real, relatable, and interesting. People crave authenticity, especially from leaders. It helps set the tone for the organization and shows donors who they are supporting.


Stop Over-Reliance on Canva

This post isn't about abandoning Canva altogether but rather about using it more strategically. Canva should be one tool in your toolkit, not your entire strategy. Authenticity should be the cornerstone of your social media content.

Effective Content Pillars for Nonprofits

So, what should you share instead of boring Canva graphics? Here are some essential content pillars that every nonprofit should incorporate into their social media strategy:

  • Impact Stories: Share specific stories that highlight the impact of your organization. These might not include names or pictures but should convey the real-life outcomes of your work.

  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Show the inner workings of your organization. This could be related to programming or just everyday activities in your office. Share staff highlights and celebrate employee achievements.

  • Mission Warrior Posts: Advocate for your mission by sharing content that explains why your work is important. These posts should educate your audience about the broader issues you address.

  • Thank You Posts: Take the time to thank donors, staff, and community partners. Showing gratitude helps build a supportive community around your cause.

Balancing Canva Graphics with Authentic Content

While Canva can be useful, it should only make up about 30% of your content. The remaining 70% should be real photos, videos, and authentic stories. For instance, use Canva for polished mission warrior posts, but rely on real, unedited photos and videos for most of your content.


Case Study: Using Real Stories

A couple of months ago, I attended a gala where the executive director shared an amazing story. This story captivated the audience and would have been perfect for live streaming or a short-form video. Instead, the marketing team spent hours creating a perfect Canva graphic summarizing the speech. This missed opportunity highlights the need to prioritize authentic storytelling over polished graphics.

Actionable Nonprofit Marketing Tips

To effectively use social media for nonprofits, here are some proactive steps you can take:

  • Schedule Authentic Content: Plan your content ahead of time to ensure a steady stream of authentic posts. Use tools like Metricool, which is free for nonprofits, to schedule your content.

  • Embrace Live Video: Don't be afraid to go live! Regular live videos from executive directors or staff members can engage your audience and provide real-time updates.

  • Batch Content Creation: Set aside time each week to create content. This helps maintain consistency and ensures you always have something to share.

  • Share Unpolished Moments: The more imperfect, the better. Share candid moments, behind-the-scenes looks, and real stories that showcase the heart of your organization.

  • Use Canva Strategically: When you do use Canva, make sure it aligns with your overall strategy. Use it for specific purposes, like mission warrior posts, but avoid relying on it for all your content.

Instagram for Nonprofits: A Powerful Platform

Instagram is an excellent platform for nonprofits to share authentic content. Here are some tips for leveraging Instagram effectively:

  • Use Stories: Instagram Stories are perfect for sharing behind-the-scenes content, quick updates, and engaging with your audience in real time.

  • Share Impactful Images: High-quality, authentic photos that showcase your work can resonate deeply with your followers.

  • Utilize IGTV and Reels: IGTV and Reels are great for sharing longer stories and engaging videos. These features allow you to dive deeper into your impact and mission.

  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, engage with your followers, and build a community around your cause.

In conclusion, stop relying solely on boring Canva graphics. Instead, focus on authenticity, storytelling, and real content that resonates with your audience. By incorporating these nonprofit marketing tips, you'll create engaging social media content that inspires action and drives your mission forward.

Remember, the goal of marketing for nonprofits is to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Share your impact stories, show the real people behind your organization, and use tools like Canva strategically. By doing so, you'll create a powerful, engaging online presence that supports your mission and inspires your community.


Essential Parts of a Great Nonprofit Website


Live Workshopping of Annual Appeal Letters