Grant Writing & Management

Are you tired of crossing your fingers, holding last-minute special events or begging your current donors every fiscal year in order to keep your doors open?


Do you...

  • Want funding so you can finally implement a new program that meets your community’s needs?

  • Want to start a new collaboration without spreading your current budget, staff, and resources even thinner?


To take that next step in reaching your nonprofit’s objectives, consider writing a grant. Actually, #FindYourGRIT and let GRIT HQ write your next grant.


We offer comprehensive grant writing services for nonprofits, certified 501(c)3's and government entities.

We will work with you to craft your ideas into prose, metrics, and processes that align with your grant application.

We will help you develop, track, and monitor a project and budget for a grant.

Consider this grant editing and training, as you learn from our skilled team while making your application the best it can be.

Let us help you identify your needs and develop your diversified strategic plan for fundraising through grants.