Board Basics Bootcamp - first cohort launching September 2021
Being a nonprofit board member isn’t intuitive. You have to train them!
Are you ready to wake up your board and get them working with you toward a shared vision?
With The Board Basic Bootcamp, your organization will partner with Kelly over 6 months to transform your board of directors from operating with chaos, ineffectiveness or micromanaging to functioning as a mission-focused, aligned board.
The Board Basics Bootcamp is a 9-month partnership between Kelly and your organization. With full commitment on your end, after 9 months your board will all be singing the same song to move your organization the direction it should be going… FORWARD!
board basics bootcamp
· ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: thoroughly reviews the roles and responsibilities of a nonprofit board member
· TYPICAL BOARD MISTAKES: discusses typical nonprofit board of director struggles (lack of engagement, conflicts of interest, micromanaging, wheel-spinning & lack of clear vision) and presents solutions to create systems to function with better board governance
· A GOVERNANCE APPROACH: helps establish new motivation for board members and clear action steps for board members to to support the mission and vision of the organization in the right ways
What is included with the Board Basics Bootcamp?
Six 30-minute LIVE, VIRTUAL Board Goverance Basics Trainings - These active - AND INTERACTIVE - virtual trainings must be required for your entire board of directors. I recommend scheduling them during your board meetings and extending the agenda by 30 minutes.
2 Memberships to the Nonprofit Leadership Mastermind - As part of the Board Basics Bootcamp, two members of each organization (ideally the board president + the Executive Director) are invited to join a monthly virtual Nonprofit Leadership Mastermind for the duration of the Board Bootcamp Partnership.
One 45-minute follow-up Coffee and Consulting session - 3 months after your organization’s Board Basics Bootcamp completion, you will receive an email to set up a complimentary 45-minute consulting sessions to discuss any board governance issues.
Board Basics Bootcamp Investment: $1687
There are 6 spots left for the first Board Basics Bootcamp launching September 1, 2021. Organizations will receive 50% off!
Sign up to get more information here!