What Does 2018 Have in Store for GRIT?


It's 2018 - an exciting year.

I have gone through a lot of changes both personally and professionally (like...starting GRIT Consulting).

But in 2018, GRIT Consulting has even more exciting things coming down the pipeline.

1. Our name will soon be changing from GRIT Consulting.

I have big ideas for GRIT Consulting. And, when I think about it, we do more than just consulting.
We help nonprofits and entrepreneurs effectively tell their story to the world.
We provide nonprofits with fundraising planning and event analysis.
We help nonprofits put their impact into words... and get funded.
And, we make non-profits + mission driven small businesses look branded through our design work + social media management.

We do more than just consulting, and the new name for GRIT Consulting will reflect that.

2. Officially, GRIT Consulting will be a team of people supporting your needs.

We've secretly ~ ;) ~ been a team of people working for a little while. But officially into 2018, GRIT Consulting is now a "we," with a team of people supporting your needs.

There's no I in team, but there is an "I" in GRIT.

So GRIT will continue to be me - but there will be some people behind the scenes to make sure we meet your needs at a low cost.

3. I will continue to help small businesses with marketing, social media management, and web design.

I will continue to help small businesses and entrepreneurs, especially you mission-focused entrepreneurs.

I've loved both working and learning from you mission-focused entrepreneurs. And I look forward to doing that more in the future.

4. We will dig our heels into providing free, nonprofit content.

Towards the end of 2017, I started writing free information in areas I saw nonprofits needed help.

And in 2018, I want to continue providing free information to help nonprofits not just do things, but do things better.

  • Solicitation letter course.

Did you know that small adjustments to your solicitation letters can bring in more donations?
I want your nonprofit to bring in more donations the next time you send out your solicitation letters.
There are also small mistakes you're probably making that are preventing your nonprofit from reaching its full potential!
So keep your eyes peeled for a solicitation letter course coming to you this Spring!

  • Fresh content tailored for nonprofits on the GRIT Consulting blog.

Not only can GRIT Consulting help you with your marketing deliverables, but we'll also give you resources on how to do it yourself.
And we don't just talk about how to do things, but how to do those things well.
And by well, I mean: hopefully with a decent ROI.

  • A fresh, new website.

Some of you might have read about how I put my website up in a day-and-a-half with money in my piggy bank. (that's really how I started!)
Taking a step back and working with my team, we want to make sure we can best meet the needs of nonprofits.
That means ensuring nonprofits know who I am and what I do.
So I'm excited to be working with Erica of Big Cat Creative (even consultants need help) to bring a fresh looks that lets the world know exactly what I do this Spring.

Rebranding with GRIT

GRIT Consulting will see some rebranding this Spring: new website, new face, new logo.

I'm very excited for 2018. It's a big year for us to dig our heels in together, do better, use efficiency and effectiveness all the time.

Whether you're one of my clients, or you've read my blog posts... you might think I sound like a broken record constantly talking about efficiency, effectiveness, and ROI.

But... nonprofits operating on limited budgets should be thinking about efficiency, effectiveness, and ROI.

So as we go through our rebranding and continue to provide timely content for you about nonprofit marketing and fundraising.

Thank you for those of you who have already come alongside to partner with us!

I look forward to working with you in 2018!


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